May 19, 2013

Playful Planet Review

A few weeks ago I was browsing twitter and noticed the wonderful Neely looking for help reviewing a product. I of course jumped at the chance and was so excited when I got the Playful Planet Storyland Yoga in the mail a few days later. I have heard about this program for a few months and have been curious about it. I have a yoga DVD that I follow and often find Bradley watching and trying to join in.

When I received the Playful Planet Storyland Yoga DVD in the mail I was so excited to show Bradley and try it out. I put it in as soon as we got inside and had him choose between the two story lines. He chose  Save the Whale.

The story of saving the whale locked him in. He loved pretending to push the whale and to surf on his "surfboard". I loved that he was getting excersize and was being active. He was engaged and seemed to enjoy it. He so often tries to copy my when Im doing my yoga DVD and gets frustrated because he cant follow along as well. This was a perfect solution. The teacher would take about a second or so to review the next position and then continue on with the storyline.

We have done the Storyland DVD a few times now and each time Bradley asks when he can do it again. It is perfect for the days where he is wound up and needs to release some energy. This program calms him down, and gets him to focus on something that doesn't wind him up like a movie or T.V. show. It is easy for him to follow and it is something we can do together. Which I love!

We are now big fans of Storyland Yoga and will be using it often I am sure!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your little boy is the CUTEST!! And this sounds like something my son would love. Thank you so much for the recommendation!