February 16, 2014

Halloween 2013

This year was definitely a fun one. Bradley has been talking about his costume since before Easter! He has said he wants to be everything at least once and for the longest time he kept saying he wanted to be iron man.
Then he happened to start looking through the party city costume catalog and found the one. He instantly was hooked. Before that night he had no idea what it was and had never heard it before. But he was determined. This little boy decided he was going to be a Ninja Turtle. He has since started to watch the episodes on Netflix obsessively the past few weeks. 
He was the most adorable Ninja Turtle ever. He had a Halloween party at school and was able to wear his costume. We went to our good friends Kalen & Brian's house and did the Trick-Or-Treat thing in their neighborhood.

I had a proud mama moment when my little was trick or treating and one of the adults said, that he was one of a very small handful of children who said "thank you". It was so much fun this year to see him really enjoy it. And surprisingly he has been pretty good about the candy he has maybe had one or two pieces since Halloween and has rarely been asking for it. 

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