Fake Engagements 2010
November 21, 2007
I turned 18 and for my birthday my mom and youngest sister took me to dinner. My mom and I began joking about getting old and needing to hurry up and get married. She JOKINGLY said it would be great if he had decent health insurance. We started joking about signing up for a dating website geared for people who share our faith(ldssingles.com).
A few weeks later I had a membership and my profile was all set...
It was fun for a bit and sometimes creepy. Found some people I knew in real life. But nothing ever came from any of the uhm....interesting men that would contact me. I made a strict policy of not contacting anyone. They had to come to me.
A few months went by and end of February beginning of March I got my first email from Scott. He was super cute so I decided to respond. We went back and forth for what seemed like weeks. I found out he was a marine and was gearing up to deploy sometime that year. He went off for some training and I didn't hear from him for a few weeks. I was a little bummed. He was funny, and smart. He seemed to care about me and what I thought and felt. It was something I was CRAVING.
When he finally returned he asked if I would be willing to meet. I ran to my mom and asked her what she thought. Surprisingly she was all for it. I agreed on one condition he had to meet my mom first.
I realized we had never actually talked on the phone. So I gave him my number and he called me that night. We talked for a few hours and decided we would head to Sea World. (My idea: My sister would be working, it was free and I knew escape routes just incase he tried to kill me in the polar bear exhibit)
April 19, 2008
We walked around for hours and just talked. He was so nice and sweet. I felt so comfortable and talking to him just made me feel like I had known him for hours. It was perfect.
From this day we started seeing each other almost every single weekend. He went home to visit his family in TX. We talked just about every day all day long. He was getting ready to deploy and I was almost numb to the idea of him being gone for so long. I wasn't sure what that would mean for us or for him. I knew I liked him. Maybe even loved him. It felt all so knew and exciting.
August 2008
Then it happened he was leaving. He had one more night before he would be gone for seven months.
He drove down to see me one last time. When he finally dropped me back off at my house. We said a simple good bye and that was it. The next morning he was gone.
Little did I know what would happen next.
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