April 11, 2013

Thoughts On Blogging

Blogging. What a crazy world it is.

When I first started this blog on March 3, 2009 I had no idea how huge and intense the blog world could be.

I started blogging for me and to document the journey I was on.  Being pregnant. My then boyfriend deployed. Everything else that was going on. I wanted to document the big moments for our little guy. And then I found a few friends through blogging. Other young moms, militarty spouses, creative amazing women who were so supportive and amazing. I felt inspired and understood. It became an outlet that I looked forward to being apart of.

And then about a year ago I noticed there were some not so nice people out there. I retreated. I stopped linking up as much, I rarely commented. I didn't want to get wrapped up into the rude behavior of some not so nice people. Not that I think I am now or will ever be a "big time blogger". It terrified me that people could be so mean to strangers. It terrified me that there were people who would just lash out at others who were never involved in the original issue(whatever that may be).  It was even scarier that if I tweeted even something as simple as "____ I'm sorry this is happening, your great keep your chin up!" I could become attacked.... I watched it happen. Multiple times.

This is NOT what the blogging community should be about.

This week so many bloggers have written posts about the DRAMA they have encountered. Calling it childish and comparing the blog world to high school. I couldn't agree more. I have watched bloggers I admired and looked up to be trashed by others and the worst part is seeing bloggers I admire and look up to trashing others.

It is all so silly to me. It really is.

Whatever happened to the supportive uplifting bloggers? Since when did writing posts bashing other bloggers become ok? Using twitter to argue with people is even more obnoxious to me.

I have always stood by a strict policy, if I don't enjoy reading someone's blog or their "tweets" bother me. I stop reading. I don't follow. It is that simple.

Ive seen the blogger community be such an amazing thing. Supporting one another. Sharing in the moments we write about. Becoming real life friends and not just internet friends.

I so badly want it to continue being the supportive uplifting environment.
I enjoy that side of blogging. I enjoy connecting with amazing women from all over. Ive learned so much from some great bloggers. I am constantly inspired and motivated by you.

So today I am choosing to only focus on the positive side of blogging. Im choosing to focus on being supportive & encouraging.

What will you choose to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I've never been witness to all the crappy people in blogland really (now, FB, that's a whole other story). I'm sorry you've seen the nasty side of things.

People suck.