April 21, 2013

Sunday Social

Not much is happening around these parts. It should be a pretty quiet weekend. Church on sunday and possibly dinner with some new friends that night. We are simple. And boring. I like it.

As usual I am linking up here for Sunday Social.

1.What is your shopping weakness?
That darn clearance rack gets me every time! Im helpless against seeing the red tags and that it is "discounted".

2.What is your food weakness?
Mac & Cheese. I make it for little man's lunch sometimes and always ended up serving myself a bowl. Its so bad but oh soooo good.

3.What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on?
Currently it has been Pitch Perfect. I just love it. But normally it is Mona Lisa Smile.

4.What is your go to breakfast food?
I normall dont eat breakfast. I know its terrible but Im just not hungry. When I do it I tend to go for a piece of fruit and yogurt.

5.Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it?
I dont drink coffee. The hubs and I got a Kuerig a few months ago and we love the swiss miss & apple cider cups. I will make myself a cup of hot chocolate and add in french vanilla creamer. Its delish!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit!

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