April 28, 2015

Uhm Hi.

Its been awhile. I'm ashamed. I keep saying I will be better. I want to be. I do. I will try. Maybe....

Let see. Since I last blogged I have changed jobs. It was a very sudden and tough decision. I had a few moments of "Oh Shit! Maybe I shouldn't of done this." I think that is pretty normal. I have since settled into my new position and I am beyond happy. I won't go into the details of why I left old job. But it was a decision I needed to make and I am in a better position. So that is all that counts. Right?! Right!

I have started...well restarted my fitness journey. Made a goal. Striving to reach it daily. One day at a time. I have recently become obsessed with watching fitness you tubers. Like her and her. Motivational and inspirational. My favorite type of person.

The hubs and I sat down and made some financial goals. We realized how much money we were spending on eating out. (Sorry Starbucks, but....husband said no more) With that means making/bringing my lunch to work daily. I use to do it. But got out of the habit. Last night I got motivated (see the above ladies for my motivation) and "meal prepped" three days of lunches. It may seem boring to some but I am a simple girl and could eat the same things daily and not be bothered one bit. Grilled chicken, veggies and sweet potato. YUM. Along with making better food choices I have been back in the gym. That's been....fun. Sort of. You know...its they gym. Hot. Sweaty. Smelly.

Ill have an update on B and his adventures. He is doing wonderful in Kinder and will be 6 in just a few weeks. (Insert super sad crying face)

Life is good kids. Life is good.

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