September 8, 2015

B's Room Cleanup

Once a year I do a major clean out and re-organziation of B's room. I usually pick when the hubs is on his hunting trip. This past weekend was no different.  Ill show you the before. It is bad.

B has a typical six year old way of cleaning. He shoves things into whatever bin is closest or under his bed. Not exactly efficient but it gets it done.  Clearly his room needed some work. I am super thankful I had my mom come over to help.  Here are a my top four tips to help you!

1.Keep the little one occupied: B will come in to "help" but sometimes when I am trying to throw away the 100th minion toy he got from a happy meal and he starts to cry because it is his "most favorites toy" it would just be easier if he was not "helping".

2. The Supplies: Trash bags to sort through the toys and clothes. Immediately make a designated donate pile and a trash pile. Clorox wipes, lets be real you know you will need them. Grab a drink and get started!

3. Pick a corner and start. I always start with the closet and dresser. I go though all of his clothes, coats, shoes. Even down to socks and undies. The stuff that is just stained or torn or just too worn I trash. Anything in good condition gets placed in a pile to send to his cousin. I also start taking inventory of what he will need for the upcoming season. This year's big item will be coats and sweaters.

4. Take a break. Sorting through the massive amounts of clothing and toys gets overwhelming and exhausting to be honest. I took a break about half way through to run to the store and watch a 30 minute show on Netflix. Stepping aways for even just a few minutes makes a world of difference.  I immediately started back up and knocked out the rest of this major project.

Overall not including my break I finished up his room in just about two hours. B did surprisingly well with giving away his old toys. We left his room with one bag of clothes for his cousin and two bags of broken toys and junk. I would say it was successful. Happy Cleaning!

September 6, 2015

B Update

I figure to catch everyone up I should just do one update for B. Hopefully with more regular posts coming to keep better updates.

B finished up Kinder like a champ. We got so incredibly lucky with his wonderful teacher. He is at a great school and we are so lucky to live in such an incredible school district.  He had such a rough start to the year but we are so excited that he finished strong. He was so sad to leave his wonderful teacher but he is excited to see her in the halls this year.

He turned six and attended a Rangers Baseball game. We all had such a great time. As a mama it is wonderful to have so many people love our little guy. Foam accessories courtesy of his "uncle" and our good friend who clearly can't say no to the kid. And who can blame him when he has a smile that big?!

He spent the summer with his Wonderful Aunt Amber and Grandma Kitty. He was able to attend swim lessons and FINALLY learn to swim. He definitely conquered his fear of the "big" water. If you ever get the chance ask him to do a cannon ball. Well worth it. We had our annual trip to the water park and he mastered the slides. He got so tan this year, and he thinks it is the greatest.

He is now two weeks into First grade. He is doing well so far. He loves his class and is excited for the year. This is a huge change from the start of last year. The first day he walked straight into his class and got to work. I am so proud of this kid. He is all signed up for soccer. He has his first practice in a few days and the kid will not stop talking about it.  He can't wait for his first game!

April 28, 2015

Uhm Hi.

Its been awhile. I'm ashamed. I keep saying I will be better. I want to be. I do. I will try. Maybe....

Let see. Since I last blogged I have changed jobs. It was a very sudden and tough decision. I had a few moments of "Oh Shit! Maybe I shouldn't of done this." I think that is pretty normal. I have since settled into my new position and I am beyond happy. I won't go into the details of why I left old job. But it was a decision I needed to make and I am in a better position. So that is all that counts. Right?! Right!

I have started...well restarted my fitness journey. Made a goal. Striving to reach it daily. One day at a time. I have recently become obsessed with watching fitness you tubers. Like her and her. Motivational and inspirational. My favorite type of person.

The hubs and I sat down and made some financial goals. We realized how much money we were spending on eating out. (Sorry Starbucks, but....husband said no more) With that means making/bringing my lunch to work daily. I use to do it. But got out of the habit. Last night I got motivated (see the above ladies for my motivation) and "meal prepped" three days of lunches. It may seem boring to some but I am a simple girl and could eat the same things daily and not be bothered one bit. Grilled chicken, veggies and sweet potato. YUM. Along with making better food choices I have been back in the gym. That's Sort of. You know...its they gym. Hot. Sweaty. Smelly.

Ill have an update on B and his adventures. He is doing wonderful in Kinder and will be 6 in just a few weeks. (Insert super sad crying face)

Life is good kids. Life is good.

December 16, 2014

San Francisco 49ers

A few months ago we had the chance to go to the season opener game here in Dallas. It was amazing! B had a blast and it truly was such a neat experience. The sea of red inside the stadium was incredible to witness. Watching a game in real life is by far my favorite way to watch.

B of course could not get enough. He was beyond excited. He talked about the game every day leading up to it. He woke up bright and early ready to go. It is always so fun to watch the game through his eyes. He is such a huge sports fan and he loves his team.  He keeps asking when we get to go back. 

Unfortunately the 49ers fell short this year. There is always next year? Right?!

December 14, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This year the husband and I decided to stay home and keep it simple. We invited my mama over and made a wonderful meal for the four of us. We made everything from scratch and it was amazing! I really enjoyed staying home and just enjoying the day.

I truly stayed focused on spending time with my family. Sharing some traditions that Scott and I grew up doing with our families with our son is always so much fun. B of course watched the parade and then could not stop obsessing over football.

We have so much to be grateful for this year. We truly are so blessed.